01. In My Hands mp3 Sample
©2007 Laurie Story Vela
In my hands, I hold the power of my heart
My hands are small but they can do their part
Take my hand, together we can start
To live the love we have to give
within our hands and hearts
In my hands, the power of my heart.
In my hands, the power of my heart.
In my hands, the power of my heart.
The power of my heart is in my hands.
My small hands reach out where I am.
My small hands reach out where I am.
My small hands reach out where I am.
You can reach out too … take my hand!
Fade out:
In my hands, it’s in my hands,
in my hands, it’s in my hands ...
02. Plant Our Planet mp3 Sample
©2008 Laurie Story Vela
I am planting our planet with tall tree seeds.
I am sprouting beauty in all shades of green.
My sprouts are joining forces with forests everywhere.
They beautify our planet home
and they help clean the air.
We can plant our planet with seeds of peace
in the words we speak, in the thoughts we think.
In everything we do, in every one of our deeds,
We can plant our planet with peaceful seeds.
I am planting our planet with kindness seeds.
I am aware, ready and willing to do kind deeds.
I help a bug out of the tub, I carry a heavy box,
I open up the door before someone can knock.
I am planting our planet with compassion seeds.
I am reaching out to help wherever there’s a need.
I accept and respect different ideas that are new.
I am open and receptive to another’s point of view.
When I open up my heart and mind,
there are seeds of peace to find …
I think them and I speak them in words so kind ….
From this place I understand, I know, and I believe
There are so many ways we plant peaceful seeds!
We can plant our planet ... mm mmm mmm mmm ...
03. Don't Hit Her With Litter mp3 Sample
© 1992 Laurie Story Vela
In the country or the city, Mother Nature's pretty!
So please don't you hit her with your ugly old litter;
it really doesn't fit her on the land or the sea!
Do you think our Mother wants to be ... a babysitter
for all of our litter? No! It doesn't fit her!
Let's keep her clean and free!
You're walkin' down the street with some garhage in your hand;
you don't want it so you throw it on the land!
You're droppin', ploppin', sloppin'; don't you understand?
That litter's disrespectful wherever it lands!
There you are on the beach, the trash can's out of reach. You've got some garbage in your hand!
You're droppin', ploppin', sloppin'; there in the sand -
wait! Wait, wait! Don't you understand
that your trash could splash into the sea,
that's a dangerous place for it to be.
Don't you see? Your litter can be ... a killer in the sea!
No droppin', .ploppon', sloppin! No splashin', smashin', crashin'!
That's not the way it's supposed to be!
Let's keep our Mother clean and free!
It's up to you and me!
04. Up From The Sea mp3 Sample
Traditional Tune Variation: Shorten Bread Lyric
©1997 Laurie Story Vela
Oh the sea is sick and she is throwin' up.
There's a mess on the beach, get the recycling truck.
Up comes a towel, up comes a cup,
up comes a hat. The sea is thrown' up!
Up come some bottles, up come some cans.
Up come some tires layin' in the sand!
Up comes some car parts, up comes a shoe.
Up comes a barrel, what's the beach gonna do?
Up comes some plastic, up comes some rope.
Up comes the bubbles from somebody's soap!
Up comes a t.v., up comes a chair.
Up comes a bicycle flyin' through the air!
Up comes a table, up bed springs.
Up comes a little bit of everything!
Here comes the recycling truck and helpful hands.
Everybody’s pickin’ up all the stuff in the sand ...
Up comes the towel, the hat and the cup.
The recycling truck is here to pick it all up!
Up come the bottles, cans and tires too,
Up come the car parts, barrel and shoe.
Up comes the plastic, up comes the rope.
But hands can't pick up the bubbles from that soap!
Up comes the t.v., bicycle and chair.
Recycling truck is pickin' up everywhere!
Up comes the table, up bed springs.
Recycling truck is pickin' up everything!
Oh the sea was sick and she was thrown' up
but now the beach is clean thanks to helpful hands
and the recycling truck.
So when we look for a dump,
the ocean's not a good pick.
The sea will throw up; garbage makes her sick.
Now when the sea is well, she still throws up
but she doesn't burp garbage
and you don't need a truck!
Up comes the seaweed, up come the shells.
Up comes the driftwood when the sea feels well.
Yes the sea will throw up even when she feels well ...
05. Sophie James mp3 Sample
© 1997 Laurie Story Vela
There once was a pirate named Sophie James
but no one knew that was her name
For when she set sail, she'd yell, "AHOY!''
And everyone thought that she was a boy!
One day a whale swam to Sophie's ship side and said,
"Hey, how would you like a ride?" Sophie said,
"No, I don't think so ...
for this ship is fast and you are slow!"
"We'll see about that!", the whale said with a shout
and she sputtered water up out of her spout.
They raced through the sea, the ship and the whale
and Sophie's hat ... flew off in a gale!
When the other pirates saw her hair,
they cried out, "Hey! Look over there!
That's no pirate! It's a Bonnie Lass!"
So Sophie ... shimmied up the tall ship mast!
From up on the mast Sophie cried at last,
"I'm a pirate, sure first class!
And a pirate I will always be!"
And with that, Sophie jumped into the sea! SPLASH!
Well, it might've been that Sophie drown
but that whale came back around.
The whale swam up to Sophie's side
and said, "NOW would you like a ride?"
So from that day on, Sophie set sail
ridin' on the tail of that whale!
The only pirate with a whaling ship
that bore the name Sophie James at the tip!
06. We're All The Same mp3 Sample
© 2008 Lyrics Jeremiah Vela-Murphy © 2009 Music Laurie Story Vela
We’re all the same, it’s very true ~
Everyone of us, me and you.
No matter what we do or who we are ~
We’re created underneath the same shining star!
I have a friend, his name is Jack.
His skin is brown and I like that.
Some people think that we don’t match
but we’re friends together and that’s a fact.
My mom’s hair is blonde, her eyes are blue.
My hair and eyes are brown, it’s true.
Some people think that we don’t match
but we belong together and that’s a fact!
Our neighbors dress different than we do.
They speak a different language too.
Some people say they don’t belong
but of course they do, that’s why we’re singing this song!
Fade Out: We're all the same,
we're all the same, we're all the same ...
07. If I Were A Bug mp3 Sample
© 2008 Laurie Story Vela
A bug is so much smaller than me
If I were a bug, what would I see?
Would a blade of grass be taller than me?
If I were a bug, who would I be?
If I were a bug, who would live with me?
Would I live all alone or have a family?
Me,mom and dad, just us 3?
Or would I be a part of a super big colony?
If I were a bug, would I know I was small?
Would I feel teeny tiny wherever I crawl?
Would a person like me seem like a mountain so tall?
With my bug eye vision, could I see a person at all?
If I were a bug, what would I know?
Would I have a job? Where would I go?
If I had things to move, would it be easy or slow?
If I worked real hard, would my muscles grow?
If I were a bug, would I laugh and play?
Would I have any friends? What would we do all day?
Would we know any games? Would we have any fun?
Could we race one another? Would I care if I won?
No matter how I try I can’t see with a bug’s eye!
Or can I? …!
I do know if I stop to see, to imagine or ask why …
I can’t step, squish, swat, smack or cause a bug to die ….!
If I were a bug …
08. My Mother Is A Butterfly mp3 Sample
© 2007 Laurie Story Vela
My mother is a butterfly.
Me? I’m a tiny, little egg.
I am safely nurtured as my Spirit soars high!
My mother is a butterfly.
My mother is a butterfly.
Me? I’m a caterpillar.
I’m crawling where I go, knowing one day I will fly!
My mother is a butterfly.
My mother is a butterfly.
I exist in my safe chrysalis.
I am sweetly dreaming of the me in the sky!
My mother is a butterfly.
My mother is a butterfly.
I am becoming one too.
I struggle all alone in what once was safe home;
Let me out, let me out, I cry and I cry.
Let me out, let me fly! I try and I try!
I try, let me fly. I try, let me fly. I try, let me fly!
Let me fly, let me fly, let me fly!
Ah! Sigh! Hooray! I am a butterfly!
My mother is a butterfly.
I am a butterfly too.
I grew and I grew, several times made new.
Now my colors are dancing across the sky!
Now, just like my mother, I am a butterfly! |
09. Every Little Thing mp3 Sample
©2009 Laurie Story Vela with Mrs. Nasiatka's 2-3rd grade
Every little thing, every little thing,
everylittle thing ... matters.
Giving things away, giving things away,
we have so much to give every single day.
Our clothes, toys, teddy bears; we have so much to share.
We can give money, we can even give our hair.
We're giving things away, just because we care.
Helping people out, helping people out.
Helping people out is what we're all about.
We pick up our neighbor's paper
or help them with their chores.
We teach a kid to read or we open up a door.
Helping each other is what we're here for.
Bringing people cheer, bringing people cheer!
We bring happiness to others far and near.
We take our pets to visit or make a homemade card.
We show a new kid around so their time is not so hard.
We bring our neighbor's candy
or visit someone feeling bad.
We bring smiles to people and
help them feel cheerful glad!
Cleaning up the earth, cleaning up the earth.
We're showing the planet what we think she's worth.
We're saving water & electricity.
We're pickin' up trash & turnin' off the T.V.
We're recycling the stuff that's in our hands.
We're cleaning up the earth every way we can!
Every little thing, every little thing,
everylittle thing ... matters.
Every little thing, every little thing,
everylittle thing ... every little thing,
everylittle thing, every little thing ... matters.
10. Smile mp3 Sample
©2009 Laurie Story Vela
Let's all go on a smiling spree;
I'll start with you, you start with me.
Smiling is so easy & it's absolutely free
so let's spread smiles ... at every opportunity!
Smile, smile, smile, smile with me!
Smile, smile, smile & we'll feel happy.
Your smile shines in your heart so set it free!
Smile for nobody or for the whole world to see.
Smiles can be special when you share em with friends.
They're also fine for strangers & so easy to send.
Smile at a stranger, you'll feel better if you do.
And probably that stranger's gonna smile back at you!
Smile all the while like a smilin' crocodile!
Smile for any reason, even if you're teasin'.
Smile in any season, even if you're freezin
for a smile .... is always pleasin'!
Let's all go on a smiling spree;
I'll start with you, you start with me.
Smiling is so easy & it's absolutely free
so let's spread smiles ... at every opportunity!
11. Turn Turn Turn
©Pete Seeger Tune & Chorus
Verse Lyrics © 1993 Laurie Story Vela
To everything, turn, turn, turn
There is a season, turn, turn, turn
and a time for every purpose under heaven!
Time to drink and time to eat.
Time for dancing on my two feet!
Time to work hard and time to play -- Yay!
Time to say, ..O.k., I can't have my own way ...
Time to wake and time to sleep.
Time to give and time to keep.
Time to know and time to guess.
Time to say no and time to say yes!
Time to say hi, time to say goodbye.
Time to laugh and time to cry -- Waah!
Time to sit and time to stand.
Time to take each other by the hand!
Time to run and time to walk.
Time to listen and time to talk.
Time to make peace and a world of friends.
Time that wars and fighting come to an end.
12. In Our Hands
Lyrics ©2008 Laurie Story Vela
Responsibility is in our hands
Responsibility is in our hands
Responsibility is in our hands
Our home this planet, and how we treat it ~
In our hands!
Kindness and compassion are in our hands
Kindness and compassion are in our hands
Kindness and compassion are in our hands
Our brothers and sisters & how we love them ~
In our hands!
Integrity and truth are in our hands
Integrity and truth are in our hands
Integrity and truth are in our hands
The thoughts we think & the words we speak ~
In our hands!
Courage and respect are in our hands
Courage and respect are in our hands
Courage and respect are our hands
The gifts we give and how we live ~ In our hands!
Awareness and action are in our hands
Awareness and action are in our hands
Awareness and action are in our hands
The force within us and how we breathe it ~
In our hands!
The wonder of all that lives inside us ~ In our hands!
Our home this planet, & how we treat it ~In our hands!
Our brothers & sisters & how we love them ~
In our hands!
The thoughts we think & the words we speak ~
In our hands!
The gifts we give and how we live ~ In our hands!
The force within us & how we breathe it ~
In our hands!
In our hands, it's in our hands, it's in our hands ...