Illustrated, Narrated Laurie StorEBooks

Laurie StorEBooks
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of Laurie StorEBook Fab Format downloads!
We are currently relinking and reopening in February!
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Access more than 267+ Laurie StorEBooks, each in 3 downloadable formats in addition to their video versions in Laurie StorETV.
ETV Laurie StorEBooks are found always streaming free @ Laurie's Stories!
Laurie StorEBooks

Our wee fee full access Marvelous Membership Library
of fab format Laurie StorEBook downloads reopens in February!
Leaping Literacy Library Marvelous Member Access to Book Files
Here is a sample of our Marvelous Member fab formats:

Laurie StorEBook Memberships!
Wee fee Membership allows access & downloads in fab formats!
Each title is in audio, pdf, powerpoint, and video.

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Audio Book Sample!
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Browse all Laurie StorEBooks @ Laurie's Stories!
Click on each section of Laurie StorEBooks linked below to sample all of them! The video versions of each title are playing on each Laurie StorEBook page in their ETV entirety! EnJOY!

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Capital Letters Mel & Nell Laurie StorEBooks Homophones Plurals Prefix Silent Letters Suffixes Word Patterns Punctuation Word Tenses Grammar Contractions Compound Words Capital Letters Pam & Jerisha Laurie StorEBooksRhymes & Songs!
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